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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy has been a controversial subject in dentistry, even amongst holistically minded practitioners. You may have done your due diligence on researching this subject, but many patients are unaware of the dissention between the two sides. Dr. Keith strongly believes that patients have the right to be informed about the pros and cons of a tooth being treated with root canal therapy and the possible alternative solutions in today's holistic setting.


If you have questions about having a tooth treated with root canal therapy or existing teeth with root canals, Dr. Keith is available for in office consultations to discuss this subject on an individual basis.

Osteonecrosis and Cavitations

Many patients, along with the general public, are not aware of what a cavitation site is and what the ramifications of having one are. The basic meaning of a cavitation is a hole in the jaw bone. Cavitations develop from a previous tooth extraction in which there was a pre-existing inflammatory condition which did not allow the bone to heal. This unhealed area provides the ideal anaerobic environment for bacteria to thrive within the bone, and their toxins and byproducts are released into the bloodstream.


If you have questions regarding osteonecrosis of the jaw or cavitations, Dr. Keith is available for in office consultations to discuss this subject on an individual basis.

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